Munogona Shona here vanhuwee? Ndinenge ndichiwedzera mazwi pano asi zvinonetesa. Chimbowonai andaisa
babamukoma - elder brother acting as head of the family. 2. Husband of one's elder sister (woman speaking)
babamunembeva - wind-breaker, lumberjacket
babandu - of crunching (e.g. roasted nyimo).
bacha - Industrious person 2. Reckless person. 3.Vicious animal
badanuka - flake, chip. (Chindiro ichi hachitani kubadanuka)
badudza - cause to split or crack. 2. Hit hard on the head. 3. Punch face or head
badzaihosha - lazy-bones
bafamwa - sitting, loose-limbed & bent forward, as idiots do.
bafu bafa - walking with slow, heavy tread (e g of portly person).
bakapaka - Rustling sound (e g of leaves or paper)
bamakata - sitting down quietly, shyly.
bamara - Forehead (esp of animal).
bambamukota - Grasshopper (edible)
banamhana - Big, flat object. (e.g. zidzoro rako rakaita zibanamhana serenzuma yapaza danga)